House jumps the shark (literally)

I’ve been a fan of House up until this season, if anybody missed it in the first few minutes of the show tonight he literally jumped the shark with a small car.  Jump the shark refers to a Happy Days episode where Fonzi jumps a shark which was considered the...


Last summer I bought a Roku in order to watch movies from Netflix on what at that time was a regular 27″ tube TV. Recently I updated my television to a 42″ plasma and was a little worried about how the Roku would perform considering it is hooked up via a...

Microsoft ends free support for Vista SP1 on March 18 2009

About a year when Microsoft introduced Service Pack 1 for Vista it also offered free support with any issues upgrading or installing Vista with SP1. Well folks the clock is ticking and after March 18th you will now have to pay for support just like any other Microsoft...