Twitter me this Batman

While I have been playing with Twitter for awhile for broadcasting and following interesting topics, the other day it came in useful for another reason.  One of the few things that is hard to do without nowadays is email, and mine had stopped working.  This has...

Beware Conficker Worm set to go off April 1st

Conficker worm is set to go off tomorrow in one of the largest Internet attacks in awhile. If you can’t get to certain web sites you may be one of the millions infected. This article is one of the more detailed articles on how to remove it from your computer and...

Virus war is escalating

Lately it seems that the virus and malware war is escalating, but before I go any further I would like to recommend a product from just called Anti-Malware.  The free version’s only limit is that it doesn’t run in the...

House jumps the shark (literally)

I’ve been a fan of House up until this season, if anybody missed it in the first few minutes of the show tonight he literally jumped the shark with a small car.  Jump the shark refers to a Happy Days episode where Fonzi jumps a shark which was considered the...

Microsoft ends free support for Vista SP1 on March 18 2009

About a year when Microsoft introduced Service Pack 1 for Vista it also offered free support with any issues upgrading or installing Vista with SP1. Well folks the clock is ticking and after March 18th you will now have to pay for support just like any other Microsoft...